cannabis Drive Thru

Offer cannabis on the go with Dispense's drive thru ordering

Improve your operational efficiency and give your customers a convenient, contactless cannabis drive through experience.

cannabis drive thru
Dispense Icon Calendar

Custom Scheduling

Allow your customers to select a time for drive thru pickup that works for them.

Dispense Icon CRM

Capacity Management

Use pickup times to make sure your cannabis drive thru window doesn't get overloaded.

Dispense Icon Mobile


Customers can tell you they're in the drive-through line, so you can prep their order.

marijuana drive through

Drive-Through Order Management

Manage drive-through orders in Dispense. Get alerted when a customer arrives in the drive through line.

cannabis drive thru order system

Fast and easy cannabis drive thru

A drive thru allows customers to place orders and make purchases quickly and easily, without the need to park and enter the store. This can reduce wait times and increase your order fulfillment efficiency.

cannabis drive through management software

Improved customer experience

A marijuana drive thru offers convenience and ease of use for customers, which can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction. This can help drive repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.

Cannabis Drive Thru Software resources

cannabis drive thru software


Cannabis on the Go: A Guide to Drive-Thru Dispensaries

Learn more

Power your cannabis drive thru with Dispense

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